
ECIS 2024 - 1-6 September

Super Sunday


Super Sunday on 1 September

On Sunday 1 September, we have created a programme for young scientists -we call it Super Sunday. We aim to give young scientists an opportunity to expand their network, gain insights into research leadership, securing grants, engagement with large research infrastructure, publishing in high impact factor journals, and entrepreneurship. 

The Super Sunday is followed by the Welcome Reception – and both will take place at the Maersk Tower, University of Copenhagen, whereas the rest of the ECIS Conference will take place at Scandic Falkoner, which is the main conference venue.


Dr. Adela Carrillo-Gómez – Scientific Officer European Research Council “Why you did not get your ERC StG – tips for avoiding disappointment”

Dr. Hanna Barriga – Karolinska Institutet MaxFUSE LNPS; Recipient StG 2023 ”How I got the ERC grant.”

Associate Prof. Kim Splittorff – Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen “The Novo Nordisk Quantum Computing Programme”

Dr. Selma Maric – Northern Lights on Food | InfraLife | PRISMAS PhD Programme “Strategies for young scientists to engage with large scale facilities”  

Prof. Debora Berti, University of Florence – Editor at Journal of Colloid and Interface Science “How to get to review in high impact journals in colloidal and interface science”

Malin Sjöö –  PhD in Food Technology Co-founder of two companies and business coach “How to grow an idea to business: life path and opportunities 

Sana Alajmovic CEO and founder – Sigrid Therapeutics “A life journey in science-based entrepreneurship”“

Dr. Adela Carrillo-Gómez

Dr. Hanna Barriga

Associate Prof. Kim Splittorff

Dr. Selma Maric Northern

Prof. Debora Berti

Malin Sjöö

Sana Alajmovic

Prof. Debora Berti

Malin Sjöö